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Orang Suka Gentel Gentel Afro

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tips : Landscape Photography

1. Lead-in lines
Look for lead-in lines that will draw the viewer's eye into the photograph. strengthen the composition by placing the lead-in line from one corneror directly from the centre of the frame.

2. Shoot into the sun
While technically challenging, shooting into the sun can produce some striking imagery. Use a narrow aperture to produce long starbursts and reduce flare.the sun will fool the meter into underexposing, so take 3-5 bracketed shots to allow for blending in post-production.

3. HDR
some scenes lend themselves to HDR. however, overcooked HDRs are unlikely to gain much success in competitions so go easy and use a grey card to achieve the correct white balance in post-production.

4. Panaromic
Paranomic photographs work particularly well where standard format shots include too much foreground or sky. either shoot a series of shots to be stitched together later or think about how a shot will work as a panaromic crop at the time of shooting

5. Look for detail
Landscape photography isn't all about the big picture, so you should look for detail within a scene. experiment  focus points and apertures.

6. Long Exposure
Use long shutter speeds to blur motion in water or clouds.exposure of 1-2 seconds will retainsome detail in water, whereas longer exposures will result in a milky flat calm.if shootingin daylight use a 6 or 10-stop neutral density filter to allow the shutter speed to increase to create the desired effect.

7. Color Temperature
color temperature settings can dramatically affect the mood of an image, so think aboutwhat message you are trying to convey, warm, cold, relaxing, calm, fresh... experiment in RAW with the white point and tint levels or  in Photoshop with the color balance tool.

8. Include foreground interest.
think about including foreground interest which will lead the eye into frame, and place the object(s) to one side  for a strong composition.

9. Find a pier
piers are great for lead-in lines. Experiment eith shooting straight on or placing it to the side.

10. Use a grad filter
Use a graduated neutral density filter to balance the sky exposure with the foreground. hard grads work best with strong horizon lines.

‎11. Head to the coast.
Make your coastal images stand out by looking for changeable weather that will create dynamic and dramatic shots.

12. Include a focal point
Place a focal point at the thirds of a frame to draw the eye into scenes. contrasting colors or bold lighting work well.

13. Long Focal length
Use a longer focal length lens to compress perspective and foreshorten a view. this can help accentuate patterns within a scene.

14 Convert to B&W
if a scene doesn't have strong color interest, try converting to black and white using channel mixer in  post-production,which gives ultimate control over tone and contrast.

15. Depart from the norm
Award winning shots are all about separating your image from the masses. look for original subject matter or abstract patterns.

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